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Darling Woods of May

Blog, updates and news on the farm. 

Alpaca Experience
Alpaca Adventure

New Alpacas - 11th October 2023

We're delighted to announce that 4 new alpacas will be joining our herd in January 2024. All of our alpacas are bred by the lovely Clara & Sean at Natterjack Alpacas, located in Ormskirk. We choose to buy from Clara & Sean because they always deliver well-bred, healthy and happy animals. When our animals arrive, we always know that they've had the absolute best start in life. 

In June 2024, we plan to breed our 4 girls with 4 carefully selected Natterjack stud males. Our girls will then go on rest while they are pregnant and will live in what we have now named 'the maternity paddock'! Don't worry though - you will still be able to visit them and say hello when you visit. Alpacas have a long gestation period, usually around 11 and a half months - sometimes over a year! Our girls will need plenty of rest and love while they grow their babies.


Fun Fact - Did you know that when alpacas give birth it's called 'unpacking'?!

Meanwhile, our 4 new boys who arrive in January 2024 - (we're super excited!) will take over the job of walking and entertaining you - we can't wait to get to know our new boys and discover all of their individual personalities and quirks. This is why we love alpacas so much at the Darling Woods! 

Luxury Shepherds Huts
19th September 2023

Exciting news! Two luxury shepherds huts will soon be available to hire out at the woods! If you love the great outdoors but hate the thought of camping - this is for you! 

We're super happy to have chosen the guys at Black Sheep Shepherd Huts who are lovingly hand-crafting our new accommodation. 

These shepherds huts are going to be something special - each one will have a wood burning stove and an outdoor copper roll top bathtub for you to fully immerse yourself in nature. And relax! 

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